Friday, April 1, 2011


Well Life has a very funny way of working sometimes. We had originally known that we would probably be moving about 2 hrs away from where we are living now. no big deal my husband has been working out there until January. So a place although it is small has been established. My Husband was laid off and we thought we were going to have to make a long journey across many states to move back towards the eastern shore. As fate would have it My Husband was called as we were packing up the house in Harrison And asked if he would like to start work on Monday. Hurrayyyyyyy!!!! He is actually in Orientation today :) THe best part is the company I work for has an office in that area as well. So it looks like our move will go as originally planned. Thank god for small miricles. I still feel like a gypsy and there will still be alot to do, But nothing like moving 20 hours away, I will take the 2 hrs any day!!! And my plants can survive a move like that sooooooooooo much better!! :)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I am......

I am kinda sad tonight, I wont go into tons of detail because lets face it. this is the world wide web. I have had many wonderful and beautiful things to say the past couple of days and not the time to type them. Now that i have the time to type I am saddened with my news that I must move. I am like a gypsy. a wandering free spirit left to the wind. no place to call home for to long. apparently it is my eternal destiny to constantly uproot. It can be exciting and a fantastic adventure. It can also be sorrowful and scary. And why now!!! of all times,. when i am so ready for my garden to grow. My last gift to my friends here will be to make there gardens for them,.And make sure someone can help my clients with theres. Sunday I just finished planting pea's for my little man and this weekend we are going to plant carrots and raddishes. oh I am so mournful. I do not know what to do. I hate this. But Life Happens

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Butterfly Garden

The Butterfly/Hummingbird garden is officially complete!!! It looks better than I ever imagined. I dont mean to tute my own now tomarrow I am planting 10 trees, 2 crape myrtals and 7 azaelias!! lol We are really getting some landscaping done here at moms, she is starting to call me her personal landscaper. lol But really it is all starting to look so very nice. Its really going to be fantastic this summer. But for now color is all about us and I for one am so thankful and lovin it!!! I dread the winter every year. but it makes me appreciate the wonders of spring I suppose. As soon as I figure out how to post pics I will add some of all these projects.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


OK So me being the smart and wonderful person that I am. I decided to use the beautiful weather to my advantage and get Lots of yard work done These past 3 days :) lol And even though I have these wonderful Italian genetics, even I forget sometimes that boy have I gotten pale over the winter. lol Until I start looking like a lobster tonight....hehehe Thankfully its not that bad, I just need to to try and take it easy the next couple of days. even though I am working on a huge project for mom with her butterfly/hummingbird garden and thinning bulbs for one client and working on the weekends with my little man. Speaking of which he is so cute this weekend. He has decided officially that we are going to build 6 new raised beds. 2 for flowers the rest for veggies. So needless to say we worked outside for two and a half hours. today, before I came home and started working on my projects for mom. Hence the look of being a lobster, several hours a day for 3 days when you haven't had much sun over the winter equals my new mantra.... just kidding. I wouldn't have changed any of it one bit :) I loved every minute of it. And look forward to more beautiful days ahead. I did plant some red onions, cosmic purple carrots and chinese red meat raddishes today. almost all of my salad veggies are planted. YUM!! I cant wait for a garden fresh salad!! well all this wonderful fresh air has me pooped! I am going to hit the hay. nite nite all.

Friday, March 18, 2011

More seeds!!!

WHOOOOHOOoo!! I just received my 1st shipment from Comstock and Ferre. I am so totally pumped :) And of course you know what that means. Yup more planting. The weather has been awesome the past couple of days and our extended forcast is pretty darn nice. no lower than 60 during the day for the next 10 days. can we say awesome!! To bad i am working on a cold. but ohwell I am not going to let it get me down....speaking of which what the heck am I still doing on the computer!! peace out! I am going to go play in the dirt :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Spring Fever

We had an awesome weekend!!!! Saturday was warm and sunny. It was so nice to get out and work in moms "new" flower bed area. I got some more stuff started outside in Mini greenhouses and recycled starting containers. (plastic milk jugs and or soda containers this time around) and brought out my 2 new huge pots that I got on clearance for $7.oo at Home Depot. Gotta love last years I planted some arugala and Lettuce seeds in them. I cant wait. fresh from the garden salads are the best!! :) It was only supposed to be 65 but ended up getting up to 78. It was lovely. almost to hot because of the drastic change. lol but Sunday was scattered light rain. perfect for planting some bulbs and really wonderful temps again. I got moms flower beds all done except for her tiger lillys. which will be sometime next week hopefully. It is going to be so pretty when everything starts sprouting :) yesterday was cold and dreary. but today its supposed to be around 60 again and then 70s the rest of the week. ahhhh Its so nice. to bad it cant stay....but I will enjoy what i can get. I cant wait to start on her Butterfly garden. We have decided to how to move her butterfly bushes (they are just to intrusive against the house and next to the sidewalk) we are going to creat a circle garden were the top soil was dropped off a couple of years ago since its almost all gone now. It will be the first thing you see from the driveway and you can see it while sitting ion the porch. I am going to grade it all down. plant the 3 butterfly bushes and add some other plants for her hummingbirds and butterflys along with some sheperds rods to hold some extra bird and hummer feeders. I hope to add a birdbath and such to have her little bird paradice that we can see from the porch this summer :) I am really excited to do this project for her and I know she will just love it :) Of course this is helping me with my Spring Fever. I just cant wait to keep getting my hands dirty :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wish List:

Of course this is a seed wish List. There are so many differnt types that I would love to try :)

Giant Argenteuil

Green Globe

black seeded Ice cream
Dessert King
Cream of Saskatchewan

Lima bean:
King of the garden

Chocolate mint
Lime Basil
Cinnamon Basil
Lemon Balm
Toothache plant
Veitnamese mint or balm
curled cress

Ananas D'Amerwe Achairverte
Green Nutmeg
Jenny Lind
Golden Honeymoon
Anne Arundal
Emerald Gem
Sweet Passion
Pride of wisconsin
sleeping beauty

dwarf siberian


Canterbury bells
Chinese lantern
Snap Dragon

Sorry these arn't in order, I wrote as I was remembering them. :)